Local Restaurants

Below are a few of the local restaurants in Samara. Make sure to bring cash to the beach restaurants, as most do not accept credit cards.

  • Lo Que Hai – on the beach to the left when facing the ocean. Casual food, burgers, pizza, and lots of cocktails.
  • El Lagarto – a little more expensive, but they cook everything on a wood grill for a nice smoky flavor. Costa Rica is not known for their steak, but you can get an okay one here, as well as great grilled fish.
  • Mana – the place immediately across the street from the parking lot gate of Plaza Samara has ice cream and is great for lunch (casados, smoothies, Ceviche, pizzas)
  • Bouticafe Bohemia – near the Natural Center serves vegetarian and vegan options.
  • Roots Bakery – legit bakery with tasty treats.